Wednesday 21 October 2009

Creating My Head - Conclusions

Over the past five weeks I have been following an online tutorial created by CG artist Eric Maslowski.
The tutorial started out simple enough, and even as it got a little more complicated it seemed easy to follow, however, from the fourth tutorial or so onwards it became a lot more complicated and a lot more unclear.
My first major problem with the tutorial would be that it is hard to understand the narrators accent. This meant that I had to replay many parts of the tutorial, and at some points I still could not understand the narration.
The next problem was that the narrator skipped several parts, or in some parts would run through them so quickly that I could not grasp what was going on.
The final problem I have with the tutorial itself is that it was using an older version of 3Dsmax and when he used certain features, I had to spend time working out what it had been renamed to or where it had been relocated to.
The tutorial however, did show me how to make a head, and I followed the instructions to the best of my ability. From my previous experiences, modelling with 3Dsmax has never been my strongest skill and this was shown in this exercise.
My face started showing problems around the third tutorial when it became apparent that I had added too many quadrants. This caused me problems in the next set of tutorials when I began drawing them out to create my face as I created many triangles and points in this process.
Whilst a face was visible, the problems remained and these got worse as I added the back of the head, where I had again too many quadrants. After adding the ear, it was apparent that I had modelled a head, though it did not look as realistic as possible and had many jagged edges.
In the final stages of the tutorial I had problems editing the UVW map,and had to apply a material rather than a photo as the texture to the face. I was also unable to use any smoothing modifier because of the errors previously.
If I was to restart the tutorial from the beginning, then I would defiantly change my working methods, spending much more time on each section, and then reviewing the tutorial once again after completing each section to ensure that I have made no mistakes.
Overall, I am not best pleased with my end result as I know that with a little more time and care I could have created a head that looks more realistic.

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